If Twitter Allows 10,000 Character Limit Tweets Is It still Twitter Or A Blogging Platform?

If Twitter Allows 10,000 Character Limit Tweets Is It still Twitter Or A Blogging Platform?

Recode has learned (and Jack Dorsey confirmed) that Twitter is contemplating longer tweets! And not just a few more characters than the current limit of 140, but expanding out to 10,000!

So tweets you see will still be 140 but will have a “read more” link to view the rest. Basically, it becomes a blog post with the comments below!

Still, twitter is twitter because of the 140 limit. That’s part of its core appeal. It’s not a blogging platform. If people really want to write more, there are blogs like WordPress and medium plus Facebook, Google+, etc.

So why would twitter do this? Well, they need anything to grow their stagnating user base and perhaps they could charge $$$ for tweets beyond 140. No there’s an idea.

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